Toddler (2-3 years old)

Each period in the development of a child is very important and is associated with the knowledge, skills, and abilities the baby should acquire at a given age. The progress of each child is individual and depends on many factors. Thanks to our program, you can test a baby’s potential in different areas, find out in which spheres your child excels and which ones require additional attention and time.

Features of behavior of the two-year-olds

The period of two years can be called the “transition period” – from infancy to childhood. Parents notice their obedient child is prone to resist. Their favorite word is no. Toddlers in school just don’t like the fact they have to follow someone else’s instructions.
Kids at this age should certainly be taught to comply with some rules and regulations. However, this order must be flexible. Too strict routine isn’t good for this age. But still, it should be close to the preschool regime to facilitate further adaptation in school. Considering all this, our center has developed a multifunctional program for toddlers of 2-3 years old, which combines all spheres of early childhood education.

What should I expect my baby to learn in Toddler Program (2-3 years old)?

There are many ways our program can help a child’s development at this age.


A child aged 2 can begin to be introduced to counting. Our teachers will help you with this, using:

• educational cards for playing with children.
• colorful playhouses.
• games to study geometric shapes.
• cards with numbers from 0 to 10.
• puzzles-double geometric shapes.

Logical thinking

During this period children in preschool can improve their thinking, memory, and attention. Kids should be able to draw, build, make simple puzzles, cubes with pictures.
Our specialist will provide your baby with knowledge applying the following:

• multi-colored patterns.
• book-puzzles.
• activity cards.
• association games.

Development of speech

With the help of this program, the child will put together phrases of 4-5 words, perfectly understand what adults are saying to them and know how to learn simple rhymes and nursery rhymes.
Our care providers use these methods to promote child’s progress:

• ABC for children (cards and puzzles);
• singing the alphabet.
• colored alphabet letters.
• nursery rhymes for children.
• games for the development of speech.

General knowledge

Toddler Program (2-3 years old) enables little ones to know the parts of the body and face as well as name what swims, flies, and drives. To achieve this goal, our specialists educate babies using:

• cards of human body parts.
• do-it-yourself fruits.
• cards with the image of transport.
• cards “animals and what they eat”.
• fruits and Berries (coloring cards).

Thanks to all these methods, the program is a fantastic combination of child’s development and preparation for school time. The earlier you begin to develop logical thinking, which is based on the sensations and perception of kids, the higher the level of their cognitive activity will be.

Should 2-year-olds go to preschool?

Once your kids pass age 2, you, as a responsible parent, may be thinking about whether they are ready to start their educational journey in a reliable preschool. Of course, this decision can be difficult. Thus, Peterson Family Childcare professionals can deliver sound advice on how to prepare your kid for the new learning experience and what skills indicate a child’s readiness.
And while it is not required for toddlers who are just beginning to perceive the world around them to visit a preschool to be capable of absorbing new knowledge and acquiring new skills, there are properly designed preschools that can help 2-year-olds to discover the basics of letters, counting, numbers, learn how to concentrate, interact with others, and solve problems.
Caregivers’ mission is to foster kids with creative thinking, instill a love of knowledge and a sense of self-worth from the earliest years, help the smallest students to grow physically and mentally, attain new goals, unleash talents, and strengthen emotional development while not forgetting about gross and fine motor skills and active educational play.

What should a 2-year-old be learning?

This is the age when a child goes through an array of new emotions and experiences. Thus, with the assistance of committed, passionate, and innovative teachers, the smallest explorers will be taught how to control a different spectrum of feelings. Executing some simple self-care tasks independently, socializing and cooperating with peers, managing, and expressing their emotions, your kid will gain confidence and get a better understanding of the surrounding world. What else should the development of a 2-year-old consist of:

• matching colors or shapes and learning how to distinguish objects, such as body parts, are activities of paramount importance for cognitive growth.
• new early mathematical concepts also will be discovered by toddlers through learning and playing.
• another imperative ability is to construct simple and clear sentences to be able to share their thoughts and to be understood when speaking.
• drawing tasks are needed to engage the use of the imagination and original ideas; it is also a great tool for those who still have some troubles with using words.

Since kids implement exercises at their own pace, the preschool program is designed based on individual needs. Thus, each little learner will get enough care and attention.

How many days a week should a 2-year-old go to preschool?

There are lots of programs for early education, however, when it comes to the smallest learners, the curriculum is much more flexible. Thus, if parents are not ready for a full-time approach, three days is enough for acquiring language, math, physical, and cognitive skills.

As you consider whether your child should visit the preschool, you can contact Peterson Family Childcare caregivers and find out more details on how your kid will be educated, what type of activities are applied for all-around development, healthy growth, world exploring, and which skills your child will obtain while staying in the preschool.
If you are wondering if three days will be enough, fearing that your kid won’t have time to adapt to the new situation, then you have nothing to worry about since with the assistance of great, caring, and open-minded teachers and with smartly designed and structured Peterson Family Childcare learning environment, all kids will enjoy staying, growing, and developing here.

Do children who attend preschool do better in school later?

Discovering new material and knowledge through interactive play is the basis for a kid to flourish emotionally, socially, and intellectually. Age-appropriate games and exercises enable a toddler to learn new concepts and support a strong willingness to achieve results, explore the world, and build a positive relationship with peers while performing the offered activity. Thus, challenges that small explorers need to overcome daily in the preschool will help them to build a strong personality and self-esteem, and as a result, the chances to succeed in school are boosted. Other good reasons for attending the Peterson Family Childcare preschool are:

• the preschool ensures the atmosphere of benevolence and peacefulness free from conflicts, so children can have a smooth academic journey.
• daily classroom routine and well-established schedule help to gain self-control and understand the importance of discipline.
• kids will learn problem-solving tactics, how to come up with a compromise, and a respectful attitude to others.
Moreover, teachers will cultivate a desire to absorb new knowledge and the ability to seek solutions to an array of issues.

Should a 2-year-old know colors?

A foundation for further learning must be laid in the early years, and the Peterson Family Childcare team of specialists in early education strives to ensure comprehensive programs for helping kids to reach new heights and accomplish new objectives. Thus, there are pivotal milestones that toddlers will attain while developing and growing in preschools. Recognition of colors is one of those cognitive processes that must be easily handled by a 2 year old learner together with sorting a variety of shapes and matching identical things into groups.
Activity with colors is vital for correct visual perception, as well as for brain stimulation. Possessing a strong knowledge of colors allows dealing with lots of visual tasks, for example, describing the world around. Nurturing exceptional creativity and encouraging focus and curiosity, teachers will take care that each child learns the concept of colors through fun and engaging exercises. Color identification is an integral part of preschool training for toddlers.