drive to achieve wellness.
Offer multi-cultural and developmentally appropriate materials and equipment.
Multicultural education refers to any form of education or teaching that incorporates the histories, texts, values, beliefs, and perspectives of people from different cultural backgrounds.
Provide a welcoming, safe and nurturing environment.
A nurturing environment is one that gives children the security and opportunity to discover themselves and their world. We strive to provide this to every child that comes through our doors.
Assuring that all children experience safe, stable and nurturing environments is an important goal. Peterson Family Daycare take great pride in providing various levels of security from the time you drop off your child to the time you pick them up.
A welcoming environment feels safe. It is a space where people can find themselves represented and reflected, and where they understand that all people are treated with respect and dignity. Every family that is enrolled with Little Scholars is automatically part of our family and we always try to do our best to take care of all out family members.
Offer curriculum resources to enhance the learning experience.
Our program has been carefully crafted for all ages, developments and abilities. We strive to have every child learn to the best of their ability by providing them age appropriate tools for success.
Educationally developed programs for Infant/Toddlers and Preschool/Pre-K addressing the needs of the Whole Child approach.
A whole child approach to education is defined by Peterson Family Daycare policies, practices, and relationships that ensure each child, in our centers, in their community, is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. By addressing all 5 levels of developmental domain on a daily basis, Little Scholars gives each child to tools to succeed well beyond our walls.
Music & Movement Programs
Research shows that exposure to music can also improve children’s ability to learn. Music and movement instruction has been shown to improve children’s memory, cognitive development, learning skills and expressive ability. Promotes group learning, practicing social skills such as turn-taking and cooperation. Little Scholars classrooms are filled with daily activities for movement and the learning of music.
Our year round program also offers introduction to a lifelong love for arts, music, travel, architecture, and culture.
Peterson Family Daycare program is designed for 12 months of learning, with the summer times for the more explorative education and play. Children go around the world right in their classrooms to study different cultures, countries, environments, and talents of the past.
Focus on building a strong and balanced foundation of emotional, social, cognitive, self-adaptive and physical skills for each child.
Its not secret that the brain at birth is about a quarter of the size of the average adult brain. Incredibly, it doubles in size in the first year. It keeps growing to about 80% of adult size by age 3 and 90% – nearly full grown – by age 5. If we can give the children the right tools before the age of 5 to succeed we can set them up for their entre life time to succeed. Little Scholars gives those tools to all their children in our centers.